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So far Editor UDP has created 59 blog entries.

Middle-East Archives: Revelation of World War III

As the 'Russia-Ukraine conflict' rages on and the flames of conflict between 'Israel' and 'Palestine' erupt once again overnight, the world watches with growing concern, fearing the imminent outbreak of World War III. Yet, amidst the power struggles of major nations, the battlegrounds are confined to smaller countries: Ukraine, the Middle East, Taiwan, and South [...]

By |2024-05-16T09:22:54+08:00May 15th, 2024|Newsletter|0 Comments

Contemporary Socialism Archives: The Rise and Fall – PRC, GDR, Russia

The Chinese Soviet Republic Archive, revealing the origins of the People's Republic of China and the prototype for the Chinese Communist Party's revolution, is now accessible. This collection unveils the CCP's early nation-building history from 1905 to 1940. Secondly, Neues Deutschland, an official newspaper initiated by the Soviet Union in East Germany, traces the evolution [...]

By |2024-05-16T17:55:38+08:00May 15th, 2024|Newsletter|0 Comments

Taiwan Epochal Democracy Movements: Newspaper & Journals Archive

Independence Evening Post Digital Archive, the only independently operated newspaper during martial law in Taiwan, is now available with " Taiwan Epochal Democracy Magazines." They chronicle Taiwan's democratic journey. Taiwan, leading in Asia's "Democracy Index" and the only fully democratic Chinese-speaking entity, has resisted foreign rules for four centuries. Moving from the Chiangs' authoritarian rule [...]

By |2024-05-16T18:07:15+08:00May 15th, 2024|Newsletter|0 Comments

The New Horizons of Taiwanese Sinology by AI and New Tech

Taiwan Academic Classics platform shines as Taiwan's beacon in Sinology, showcasing treasures from the National Palace Museum and Academia Sinica. Offering over two decades of unparalleled full-text search, now enhanced with AI-driven features like image search, coloring, 150000 images extracts, and exclusive videos, it stands as a hallmark of UDP. Celebrated as the "Twin Crown [...]

By |2024-05-15T18:07:14+08:00May 15th, 2024|Newsletter|0 Comments

The preeminent cultural heritage repositories from Gansu, China

Gansu Province in China is renowned for its rich historical sites, seven of which are recognized as World Cultural Heritage sites by UNESCO, forming an integral part of Chinese culture. Recently, significant databases from Gansu have hit the international market, including Silk Road Database, China Bronze/Stone Rubbings Collection, and Art Wiki. Alongside offering from Beijing, [...]

By |2024-05-15T16:17:52+08:00May 15th, 2024|Newsletter|0 Comments

South China Sea Disputes & Cambridge Archive (East Asia)

The world's major flashpoints have ignited: 'Russia-Ukraine War' and 'Israel-Palestine Conflict.' Following closely, the situation of Taiwan Strait is on the brink, making Asia-Pacific region a focal point for global military and political experts. UDP recommends three of our databases: South China Sea Disputes Archive (1877-1988) covering territorial disputes, Taiwan Epochal Democracy Magazines documenting significant [...]

By |2024-05-17T09:50:45+08:00May 15th, 2024|Newsletter|0 Comments

【New Production】China Bronze and Stone Rubbings Collection

As the world's only digital collection based on original first-hand bronze and stone rubbings, China Bronze and Stone Rubbings Collection features 81,800 rubbings with full texts (83 million characters) and full images (11,858 tablets), covering rubbings from the Pre-Qin era to the early 21st century (221 B.C. – 2000 A.D.) from regions including China, Taiwan, [...]

By |2024-05-17T17:24:34+08:00May 13th, 2024|New Product|0 Comments

【New Production】Independence Evening Post Digital Archive

(自立晚報, 1947-1995) It is the Taiwan's sole advocate for democracy and independence before 1987, championed non-partisanship and independent operation. Lauded as a symbol of Taiwanese democratic politics, it stood out for rallying social reform forces amidst an era when most press voices echoed the authoritarian regime. This publication notably covered key political events like the [...]

By |2024-05-17T17:23:54+08:00May 8th, 2024|New Product|0 Comments

2024 EATS Annual Conference held in Vienna.

The 21st EATS Annual Conference was held at the Vienna Center for Taiwan Studies (VCTS), University of Vienna on 3-5 April 2024. The conference theme is “Conceptualising Gender, Women and LGBTQI+ in / and Taiwan: Subjectivity, Objectivity, and Every Positionality In-Between.” UDP participated in the conference as the sole database publisher from Asia. During the [...]

By |2024-05-27T09:59:48+08:00May 7th, 2024|Exhibitions, News|0 Comments

【New Production】South China Sea Island Disputes Archive (1877 – 1988)

The South China Sea Island has been the center of ongoing disputes among coastal nations due to its abundant fisheries resources, crude oil, and natural gas, as well as its significance as a vital shipping route. These disputes have escalated over the years, even leading to military conflicts, drawing increasing international attention. The archive comprises [...]

By |2024-05-17T17:23:01+08:00April 28th, 2024|New Product|0 Comments
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