Over 100,000 papers, 37,000 images, 12,000 entries, 1,000 books.

Published by Lanzhou University Press and Lanzhou University Dunhuang Research Institute.


Silk Road Historical and Cultural Database jointly published by Lanzhou University Press and Lanzhou University Dunhuang Research Institute, the database is the authoritative resource on Silk Road history from China’s northwestern provinces. Based on Lanzhou University Press’s “Eurasian Historical and Cultural Library” and “Central Asia and Northwest Frontier Studies,” the database aggregates extensive resources including books, papers, images, and videos on topics such as archaeological findings, arts, and historical geography of the Silk Road. It features electronic mapping to showcase the historical towns and cultural relics along the Silk Road, supporting academic research and cultural heritage preservation. It includes seven themes/sub-databases: Dunhuang Silk Road Civilization and Western Regions Religious Culture, Eurasian History and Culture, Silk Road Archaeological Artifacts, Literature, Arts, Local Chronicles, Historical Geography, with 100,000 papers, 37,000 images, 12,000 entries, 1,000 books.


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